Why you shouldn’t be scared to take your toddler to a class!

Avoid taking your toddler to classes? Feel frightened about doing it for the first time? YOU’RE NOT ALONE! We’ve all been there: What happens if they don’t listen? What if they have a melt down? Or just don’t do anything?! But can I let you in on a secret? Even if these things do happen (which they quite possibly won’t) it’s OK. There’ll be no judgement, and only good vibes. Read on to find out why…

We all know early learning and toddler classes are the perfect place for little ones to develop fine motor skills, gross motor skills, language and numeracy. There are loads of opportunities to practice socialising – sharing, taking turns and being polite – and you get a chance to make mum or dad friends, too!

So, why is something so incredibly positive (a great toddler class sets your child up for life-long learning, you know!) so terribly scary for you as a parent?

Well, we all want our child to be the one who listens, engages and leaves with a great big smile on their face, don’t we? But we know that it doesn’t always happen that way. And no-one wants to be the one with the child that’s running riot. Or snatching. Or not listening. Or interrupting. But… Newsflash – it’s all totally OK!

Not convinced? Here are five reasons why you should never be scared to take your toddler to a class:

  1. We’ve all been there

NOTHING shock our teachers, honest. And the other parents? They’ll 100% have been there – even if they don’t publicise the fact!  Toddlers go through different stages of development at their own pace and going to activities will help them (and you) through it. The happy distraction of a dance or gymnastics class works wonders!


We can’t say this enough. Even as an adult, I bet you get a little overwhelmed going to new places, especially post-pandemic. Try being a three-year-old whose been a stranger to socialising for half of their life. Stepping into a big studio, seeing strangers, hearing excited children and anticipating the fun they’re going to having singing, dancing and playing… It’s a lot! And because a toddler can’t always explain how they feel, they show you with unpredictable (but normal) behaviour.

  1. Everyone has off days

We’ve been under the weather or a little tired. Toddlers feel this x 10 and can’t articulate it, or just ‘put a face on’. Find comfort in it hopefully being a one-off and take a positive from it – how refreshing that toddlers let their raw emotions lead and don’t adhere to social pressures of covering up how they feel

  1. It takes time

Take listening skills, for example – the more situations (i.e., classes!) they’re in where they need to listen, the better they’ll get at it. They just need the chance. Persevere and you’ll see improvements, I promise.

  1. Their brains are like sponges – see, observe, learn

You invest in all the gear (who can resist a sparkly ballerina tutu, after all?), talk endlessly about the new friends they’ll make and practice the moves at home… Then you turn up at your class and they won’t budge from the sidelines. Bet you’re cringing just thinking about it? But, actually, it’s a good thing. Toddlers learn by watching (think monkey see, monkey do) and even if they watch their first few classes, that’s fine. Just chat about what’s happening, try to repeat some moves and home and one day, in their own time, they’ll join in.

Reckon you can combat these hurdles? Great! You’re going to have a child who’s all set for playgroup, nursery and their first year of school, plus have some fab technical, musical, dance, gymnastics and sports skills to boot!

Still got concerns? Please get in touch – we’d be delighted to talk you through the process in detail and address any specific issues.